Great domain name for targeting the kids, children, babies and young people market.


I bought this domain name many years ago for a project that I just haven't had the time or motivation to realise.

For the last few years I have been technical director with an exceptional company and a happy team of developers. I have a nice house and a happy wife and kids that fill the time I am not working. I am enjoying not having to work 12 to 19 hour days running my own business, hence the littleones project being stalled for so long.

If this domain does not sell before I get motivated, it will be quite a good site for parents and carers. The ideas I have for it, could make it a good investment for someone. It would need funds available for market research to ensure I am not delusional, and if I'm not, it would probably suck about £200k+ to make it fly. If you are interested in investing and would like to discuss my ideas (obviously after signing an NDA) then you can use the form below and I'll get right back to you.

If you are looking to buy this domain because you have a good idea and it needs a great name to go with it, then this one is a really good one.

If you want to make an offer over £2k to buy it outright or would like to lease it for £500 a year (but no guarantee of renewal for either party) you can contact me using the form below.

Please use this form to express interest in investing in, purchasing or leasing this domain name
You should receive a response within 48hrs

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